Taking care of your cigars is an art and a necessity. Proper storage will ensure that your cigars remain in the same optimal condition as when they were cultivated, fermented and rolled. Proper care includes a humidor that regulates humidity levels and a well-stocked cigar case for daily transportation. It also involves knowing the etiquette and rituals associated with cigar smoking.
For many cigar lovers, the experience of smoking is much more than a simple pastime. Like wine tasting, it is often a ceremonial activity in which the cigar becomes an integral part of the occasion and is enjoyed with appropriate accompaniments such as cognac or whisky. Several other traditions are associated with cigars, such as sharing them amongst friends and family members during celebrations or bringing them along to commemorate major milestones on life’s journey. Incorporating these rituals into one’s smoking experience can add to the enjoyment of a cigar and make it a truly unique and enjoyable moment. Keeping humidor cigars Arlington, VA, at the correct humidity level, is important for all smokers, from novices to aficionados. However, it is equally important to consider other factors that contribute to a pleasant and memorable cigar-smoking experience. The spirit of tobacco is powerful, and it deserves to be treated with care and respect.
Humidity plays a major role in the flavor and quality of your cigars. The right amount of moisture keeps your cigars soft and enjoyable to smoke while preventing them from becoming soggy and hard to keep lit. However, too much humidity can cause mold, while lack of moisture can lead to brittle tobacco leaves and unpleasant smoke. A hygrometer usually measures humidity levels, and most cigar lovers agree that the ideal range is 65-72%. Humidity is a constant concern for cigar smokers, and items like digital hygrometers and humidor packs are essential pieces of equipment to have on hand.
The right temperature and humidity level are essential to a good cigar. When too much moisture is present, your cigars become soggy and difficult to smoke, attract mold or rot and can develop an unpleasant flavor. Too little water makes your cigars dry and brittle, making them very hard to keep lit. Humidity and temperature are important factors when storing cigars, although most cigar smokers focus on the former. Many people assume that the temperature of their humidor is irrelevant, but this assumption couldn’t be more wrong. The key is understanding that while the actual air temperature directly impacts humidity, relative humidity matters most. At the correct humidity level (70-73% RH), the tobacco leaves are pliable without swelling, regardless of temperature. Attempting to raise humidity levels to match the temperature will only ruin your cigars.
Aside from proper hydration, cigars require careful handling to preserve the quality of the tobacco. When handled with finesse, cigars can be enjoyed for centuries while exuding an aura of class and sophistication. This is why mastering cigar etiquette is so important for true enthusiasts. Cigar lovers must know how to properly handle, cut, and light their cigars. It’s also important to respect other smokers, avoid smoke-invading areas, and follow smoking regulations in public spaces. Aside from establishing your authority as an expert in cigars, cigar etiquette also fosters camaraderie among enthusiasts. It’s a great way to bond with fellow smokers and make new friends. It’s also the perfect way to connect with cigar shop employees and form lasting relationships. After all, a knowledgeable and attentive humidor manager can always help you improve your smoking experience.