If you are planning to get your parking lot striped, there are certain steps you should take beforehand. These steps will help you prepare for the striping process and make the job go more smoothly.
When it comes to striping your parking lot, there is a lot to consider. Fortunately, there are a few key tips to ensure a successful striping job.
First, check to see if your local government has any specific requirements. The ADA website is a good resource for this. It can help you determine whether you have adequate signage and directional devices.
Next, you should get a professional to design your lot. A professional can provide you with a template and diagrams for multiple lots. This is important for larger projects since they may require extra features.
Finally, be sure to clean the lot. The paint will stick better on a clean surface. Whether your lot is new or old, you can remove weeds and debris before the striping crew arrives.
In addition, you should also plan on providing your customers and employees with alternate parking. This will prevent inconvenience while your lot is being restriped.
ADA Parking Stalls
If you’re planning for parking lot striping Lexington, SC, you must ensure that your parking stalls are handicapped-accessible. The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) outlines minimum requirements for handicapped-accessible parking. However, your local government may have additional requirements.
To comply with the ADA, all accessible parking stalls must have standard handicap signage. You also need to provide an adequate access aisle and proper pavement markings.
Handicap-accessible parking stalls must have a five-foot access aisle and an eight-foot standard accessible parking space. An angled parking spot is not permitted in these spaces.
ADA standards do not specify the color of the access aisle marking. However, the aisle and parking space are recommended to be at the same level as the serving area. Moreover, the International Symbol of Accessibility (ISA) must be located at the head of the parking space.
Aside from the ISA, signs for accessible spaces should be at least 60 inches high. Some local codes have more stringent requirements for the height of the signs.
Mark Off Special Areas
There are a few things to consider when marking special areas in your parking lot. They range from the obvious to the slightly more subtle. The most obvious is that a well-planned layout can lead to a smoother traffic flow and fewer fender-benders.
A well-marked parking lot helps minimize accidents, which can cause property damage and even lawsuits. It also helps ensure the safety of its users and customers. When it comes to the legal talons of your business, make sure to take the time to mark off special areas in your parking lot for the right reasons.
The ADA, or the Americans with Disabilities Act, has been around for twenty-five years now. This federal law mandates the design of public accommodations in such a manner as to make them more accessible to people with disabilities. Several states have enacted their requirements, often more stringent than the federal government.
Aside from federal requirements, your local municipality might also have its own stipulations. For instance, some municipalities may have specific requirements regarding colors and shades of red.
Find a Road Striping Contractor
Parking lot preparation is essential to making your business safe and attractive. The best way to do this is to hire a professional.
Please do this to avoid unattractive or unsafe parking spaces. In addition, the surface may suffer from deep cracks or potholes. Fortunately, there are ways to prepare the surface and ensure the striping is durable.
First, the asphalt surface must be clean. This includes removing any vehicles from the parking lot. It’s also important to turn off the sprinkler system.
When the area is prepared, it’s time to paint. There are many different types of paint available. Some popular choices include thermoplastic, oil-based, and reflective paints.
After the paint is applied, it’s important to let the area dry. This can take about an hour. If it’s humid, the drying process may be slower. A good rule of thumb is to wait at least three days after the work has been completed.
Once the paint is dry, the contractor will place the last course of the pavement. The job will usually be finished by the next week.